Friday, June 27, 2008

The Valley

Yesterday we had a meeting with all the interns and the staff. The meeting was called but no one knew what it was going to be about. Where expectations not being met...were we doing something culturally inappropriate...lots of guesses no answers. So when we got there we learned that we were not in trouble, but were going to have a party. Three of our group left today to go spend time in Massailand. The staff wanted to worship and celebrate and say thanks before they left. We all had a great time. One of the gifts that the staff gave them was a t-shirt that said, Turning the Valley into the Mountain of God. It has been amazing to see this saying being a reality. We go into so many homes and they say, tell me about salvation. Who is Jesus? The guys we are with keep saying that the harvest is ready, the field is ripe, and many lives are being commited to Christ as a result. It has been amazing to see how God truly is building a mountain in the valley and how people here are desperate for His love, and grabbing hold of it when it is shown. It has been a blessing to sit and hear the stories of people finding out that they are HIV/AIDS positive, or how they had to flee their homes during the violence, and then to see how God has taken those terrible situations and turned them into something beautiful. It is amazing to see how God is working and just how receptive people are to His Word.

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