Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Why can we not get away from it. Alicia has mentioned that I have not been feeling well. The other night after playing games i was very hungry. So I had a cheeseburger for dinner, and we had bought some peanut butter and honey for the room. So i made a sandwich when we got back to the room. I am not sure what part of the eating didn't sit well but it would not leave my stomach how it was suppose to. I managed to hold it down for 24 hours but not without a ton of pain. Once I had finally violently vomited the sickness out; I felt much better. I go into all this description because as we have been here I have been reading from A.W. Tozer The Pursuit of Man, and in one chapter he writes about out dying to sin and how painful that it is to deny ourselves so that we may allow room for Christ to come in and dwell within us. I hated being sick, but the cleansing and renewing that I felt after getting rid of the filth reminded me of this idea. We are surrounded by sin and it is all sorts of disabling and filthy, but to know that God has provided a way for us to remove it, with some work and pain, so that we made be made whole again. What a great God that we serve that we can have hope beyond our moanings and longings for something greater. It has been an amazing few weeks and I pray that we may continue to allow God the room that He needs in order for us to be made well and complete in Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim & Alicia,
I am glad Tim is feeling better. We have arrived home safely. Thank you for your prayers and know that we are praying for you as well. Alicia, I have watched you grow up and it is amazing the beautiful woman you have become! I pray that God will do a great work through you both in Kenya. Our trip was wonderful. I can't wait for you all to come home and we can share our stories with each other.
Jeanne Bell