Saturday, June 14, 2008

One week down

We have been here over a week now and I feel like we are really settling in and getting used to things. Our accomodations are great and the food is good as well. We are not really roughing it at all so sometimes I feel a little guilty but I guess missions doesnt have to be bout roughing it it just needs to be about Jesus right?
This past week was full of home visits. We are really getting to hear some amazing stories and see the way God is working in many lives and how is power prevails through dangerous situations. Yesterday we went to visit a woman and her child and like many of the people we met this week they were displaced during the post-election violence. Her child was in the home when it was set on fire and his head and hands were burnt. The child is okay and is very active but God definately saved him. During the time of resettlement she accepted Christ and so Tim asked her if she had a Bible and she said no so we were able to give her ours. We talked with her about reading it and shared some scripture with her. The guys said that is a really big issue for them because many do not have Bibles and so the only teaching they get is on Sunday at the church. Tim and I are planning to use some of the support we raised to purchase Bibles to distribute to some of the people we visit. We feel this is one of the most important things we can do. Thanks for support us not only did you provide for us to get here but you will be an instrumental part of sharing the word of God with many. It will be cool to see the change that happens in the community once people really dig deeply into what GOd has to say. I think the change that will come will be huge.

On another note, in a few hours we are heading to the Kenya vs. Zimbabwe soccer game. This is a World Cup qulaifying match. We are very excited and certain this will be quite an experience. Some of the guys from the Hope Center are going and some of us are planning to paint our faces like the Kenyan flag. Good times, good times!

Have great weekend and Happy Dad's Day!


Anonymous said...

Dear Tim and Alicia,
Just read your blogspot. Wanted to let you know how proud we are of you guys and that we are praying for you. We love you!!
Connie, Jeanne, Shannon and your momma.

Anonymous said...

Alicia and Tim-

I finally got a chance to read your blog and it sounds like you are doing amazing things. I am so proud of you both! You are truely in your element.
Love, Jen

Egessa Phillip said...

Hello Tim and Alicia,
I thank God for what he is doing through you. We will always pray for you and wish you the best.
love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim and Alicia!
I am so excited for you guys to be sharing Christ with the people of Africa! I enjoy reading your blogs and I can't wait for more to unfold while you guys are there!
Love you guys, Whitney Stewart