Monday, June 9, 2008


I will continue what Alicia started yesterday with my language learning. Harbari is a common greeting like saying hi in english. I am not sure if I can say as much as she said yesterday but I would like to share a few of my initial thoughts with you. I am not sure where to start as so much has happened in our first 5 days. We have walked through the slums, toured the city, gone to African church(with lots of dancing), and eaten lots of rice and stew to name a few. The joy that is sticking with me is the relationships that are being built. Alicia and I were put in a group of 6 people that were going to be working with the CHE(community health evangelism). The CHE members that have been taking us around, Willis, Phanwell, and Easter, happen to be from Bondeni, the community that West Side Christian Church supports. The are amazing guys who are doing incredible ministry. Today we went to some homes with them and watched them talk, listen, and show the people the love of Christ. It was amazing getting to pray with and talk with them as we walked. It is amazing that even through language, distance and cultural barriers God shines in such a real way. It has been encouraging even in the mess of life in the slums to meet and work with people who love God, and are working hard at sharing that love with all who they come in contact with. We are so encouraged by the work that God is doing here. I will leave you with just a little more swahili. Bwena Asifiwe! Praise the Lord!

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