Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Tim and I took a day off for the most part. We are heading to Mathare soon to meet our team and head to someone's house for dinner. Tim is recovering and we went and got him some more meds but thought it was a great day for him to continue to get better. The pharmacies or chemist as they are called here are interesting. Basically you just walk in and tell them what you want and they hand it to you. It seems almost too easy but maybe that is because we have only tried for antibiotics.
I thought we would share a few funny stories with you all. I know some of the blogs are serious but we are laughing a lot! The team with are with is great and so are all the staff people and MOHI.
I know we are making huge mistakes when we speak Swahili and I know it has caused many nationals to laugh at us so it is equally funny to me when I hear people make mistakes in English. So last week we spent a lot of time with a guy in one of the slum areas called Kosovo. When we would go to peoples homes he would introduce them and give us some background info, but he would misuse pronouns and he would interchange them throughout a conversation. So we would be in a womans home and he would say: HIs name is Elizabeth and He has 3 kids..she owns a business selling fruit etc. At first I was confused and then I couldnt resist laughing so I had to disguise them with coughing. I looked around at our team and they were laughing as well. We continue to make jokes about it and it causes some pretty serious laughter. Other than this his english was great but this mistake was too funny to resist mentioning.
Yesterday one guy on our team (Justin) started walking and talking with a guy in the slums and apparently he was trying to get Justin to give the 4 girls in our team and/or Justins sisters to him as wives. Justin said with all seriousness that he was really sorry but he didnt think he could afford us as we all cost around 10,000 goats (which is a lot) and the guy was like OH and walked away. Thank goodness this guy couldnt afford us.
When we leave the center at the end of the day and we are waiting for a matatu we are generally approached by street kids asking for money for food. Well, the problem with being in such a big group sometimes is that you just talk and share your thoughts and you aren't always sure who you are actually talking to. So yesterday as our group of 23 is walking, a street kid approaches Eric and says I am so hungry and Eric says I know so am I. I haven't eaten since lunch. Then he looks at the kid and realizes he is not one of us but is a street kid who is actually REALLY hungry. Oops!
There are many stories like that and last night I laughed until my abs hurt. We love the gift of laughter and we are so thankful for those on our team for providing it for us. We really have some funny people with us. Sometimes at night Tim and I will talk about the day and we just laugh for a long time
Here's hoping your day is full of laughter.

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