Friday, April 11, 2008

Just an update

Just a quick update. Life for us has been very busy lately. I have a hard time deciding if I am coming or going and many days I have no idea what the date is or what month we are even in! My caseload at work has about doubled since January and I am working a second job as well. Tim has been subbing and Upwards Basketball just ended last Sunday. We are planning to move out of our apartment at the end of the month so we have some packing and painting to do. We will be moving in with Granny and Gramps Stewart until we leave for Kenya. We are super thankful to have family who support us and allow us to shack up with them when we need to.
All this busyness is sure making time fly by and so before we know it we will be in Kenya :) Our support raising is going well and that has been one thing we havent had to do much with. God has really taken care of the financial part of this trip for us. We said we would go to Kenya no matter what and the rest has been all His doing! Support raising has been such a humbling blessing. What a great God we serve! We have had many people give to us in such a way that we knew it could only be through God. We have had people who we know do not have many extra resources but have given much. We have had money come from suprising places. We joked the other day about how many people dread opening the mailbox for fear of all the bills but we are excited everday to open ours because it usually contains another gift (and not many bills). I say it again God is good and so are those who love Him! We thank you!
We got our packing list and a list of our team. Sixteen people will be joining us in the slums of Nairobi. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to go. Pray that the team will really connect and be able to accomlish much this summer. Please pray that Tim and I will be able to get all the things done we need to get done before we go. It definately feels a bit overwhelming right now.
As our departure date gets closer and closer I find saying to Tim "We are going to spend the summer in Africa!" I cant quite comminicate it to you over the internet but that statement includes a great deal of excitement. Most definately a dream come true and who am I that I get to do this? The cool thing about God is I dont have to be anyone special just available. With that I wish you all a great weekend!

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