Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An Update

Greetings!  I apologize for not updating the blog while we were in Kenya.  I had every intention of doing so, but it was just too difficult and we were so exhausted every night.  We were able to update Facebook briefly, but to use the only computer for any length of time proved to be a bit challenging.  My hope is to update more fully with pics and stories this week.  We just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and encouragement.  This trip proved to be yet another confirmation that Nairobi, Kenya is where we need to be.  I was concerned that the trip would prove difficult, and challenging, and uncomfortable.  That we may question what in the world we were thinking when we said we would move to Africa.  This was not at all the case.  Even though Tim and I both got sick we survived and it didnt at all change our desire to be there.  Things were even better than anticipated and we are even more excited to move there now than ever before. 
We had many conversations with people which helped to further our desire to serve in the slums.  If possible, they want us over there by September!  We continue to raise funds and prayer support in order to be able to go.  With God all things are possible, so please join us in praying that all the things we need in order to depart for the field will arrive quickly and that we can return to Nairobi.  We have to get back, we left out hearts there :)
Thanks again for your prayers, support, and encouragement.  We are humbled daily by the way God ministers to us through all of you.

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