Wednesday, May 21, 2008

6 Days and a Wake-Up

This time next week we will be in a van with the family traveling to Indianapolis for PDO (pre-destination orientation) and then off to Kenya. The past few weeks have been filled with a tremendous amount of preparation, but I think I can safely say we have all we need to go we now just need to figure out how to get it into our bags without surpassing the weight limit :)
I have been super busy at work trying to get everything done before we leave. I have recently discovered that I can be a procrastinator when I dont like to do something!! At work I put a lot of time and effort into my relationships with co-workers, referral sources, kids and their families. I can honestly say that one of the best things about my job is the people that surround me; however, I am not good at the paperwork so I just ignore it. These past weeks I have been scrambling to get things done and I am slowly running out of time. I am also trying not to get frustrated because I do not want the last fews days with family, friends, coworkers etc to be hurried. I want to really enjoy these moments but some have been challenging (I have only myself to blame)!!!
That being said I am so excited to get outta here and head to Indy as it is the final step to boarding that plane that will take us to Kenya. I cannot wait to be on African soil again. My heart has been yearning to get back there since I left Uganda last summer and it is almost here!! I cant wait for the smiling faces of the most beautiful children I have even seen to grab my hand and call me MUZUNGU!! I cant wait for Tim to experience Africa with me!! I cant wait to share the love that is literally bursting out of my heart!
As we prepare to leave I have really been praying for the preparation of my heart and my biggest prayer has been for God to just take out my eyes and replace them with his own so that I am only able to see people the way He does. To remove my hands, my feet and to replace them with those of Jesus so that every step I take and every touch will be those of Christ. Most importantly that my selfish, judgemental heart will be replaced with His so that I can just LOVE! I know God has some huge things in store for us this summer and I want all those things to be accomlished so I am just praying for me to get out of the way and let God move. I can be quite an obstacle sometimes and I really dont want that to happen this summer.
So the books have been read, reports written, forms notorized indicating what we would like to happen to our bodies should we not make it back from Kenya (little morbid) and support has been raised. Thanks for all the prayers. Please keep praying for us.
On a side note we had an encounter with another bat last night so thank goodness for the vaccinnations. Not sure we needed them as much for Africa as we did for central Illinois. I was very brave with the bat so I am not thinking the bugs will be no problem at all :)

1 comment:

Blair Bunch said...

I am very excited for you! We will continue to pray for you both!